Saturday, 20 August 2011

Fibromyalgia and Exercise

Fibromyalgia and Exercise
Because fibromyalgia can cause widespread pain throughout the body, many people who suffer aching, painful symptoms avoid exercise like the plague. It may start with avoiding strenuous exercise, but eventually, many patients fear doing any kind of exercise whatsoever. Unfortunately, this can perpetuate the problem because lack of exercise can create more problems in the body's circulatory and respiratory system. Although strenuous exercise may feel like it exacerbates your symptoms at first, you'll find that targeted exercise can actually relieve and rejuvenate your body giving you significant fibromyalgia relief.

At FMS Health Clinic, we have a great team of physical and exercise therapists who design fibromyalgia exercises that are easy for beginners and for people who aren't in the best physical health. By starting with simpler routines and workouts, and moving up over time can really boost your mood, your anxiety, and even make your forget about fibromyalgia disability. Initial workouts target your cardiovascular blood flow and increase your general fitness level. As your strength increases, your program can intensify, building muscle, endurance, and flexibility. Our workout treatments are not only medical in benefit, they are a lot of fun! We incorporate lots of styles in exercise for fibromyalgia. We guarantee you'll notice a difference in a matter of no time. Try our programs for dancing, massage therapy, even yoga for fibromyalgia relief. Get moving again and put the pain behind you!
Diet for Fibromyalgia

 In addition to boosting your overall health and alleviating your symptoms with exercise, choosing the right fibromyalgia diet can significantly impact how you feel. Because of the variation of symptoms from patient to patient, it's difficult for doctors to describe a one size fits all diet for FMS. The right diet for you, may not work for the next patient. It's important to take note about whether certain foods can affect certain symptoms in your body. However, most experts agree on certain foods that make symptoms worse.

Below are listed some foods you should cut out of your diet:

* Aspartame (aka Nutrasweet)
 Using aspartame can make some fibromyalgia symptoms worse in patients. The chemicals in aspartame can stimulate certain pain receptors in the brain, which are already overstimulated in a person with fibromyalgia. Removing this sweetener from your diet, can make life a little sweeter for you.
* Food Additives
 Things like MSG (found in many Asian cuisines) and nitrates (typically found in some lunchmeats) are added to increase flavor, but like aspartame, can stimulate certain pain receptors in the brain. It can help reduce your symptoms if you cut these out of your diet.
* Simple carbs and sugar
 Avoiding things like cake, cookies, and other sweets can help you to deal with your fatigue symptoms that come from fibromyalgia. Experts say that binging on sugary goods can spike your blood sugar and results in loss of energy shortly afterwards, followed by more sugar cravings. If you want more energy and a healthier sleeping pattern, consider giving sugars the boot.
* Caffeine
 Like sugar, taking caffeine (from coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, etc) can give you that quick burst of energy, but it won't relieve any long term fatigue symptoms, and in fact will make them worse. Some patients have seen effects on their fatigue within a week of giving up caffeine.
* Dairy
 Some experts believe that most forms of dairy can make fibromyalgia symptoms flare up, however some disagree about whether losing the calcium is worth it. We recommend sticking with fat free milk as the safest choice.
* Gluten and yeast
 These two products often are used together in bakery items and both can have an impact on your FMS symptoms. Yeast, which stimulates yeast fungus in the body, can result in more severe joint and muscle pain. Gluten, particularly in those with gluten intolerance issues, can increase symptoms of tiredness and fatigue.

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