Wednesday, 20 July 2011


 Diabetic Care Plan


Diabetes is a lifelong condition requiring ongoing medical care to manage short- and long-term risks to your health. Although much of diabetes treatment focuses on managing blood sugar levels, a comprehensive care plan for diabetics includes strategies to prevent or minimize the effects of diabetes-related complications. Several types of health care professionals work with you to execute your diabetes care plan.

Blood Sugar Management

Managing your blood sugar level is the cornerstone of your diabetes care plan. Your blood sugar management probably involves one or more medications to prevent high glucose levels, or hyperglycemia. Good blood sugar control is important because it reduces your risk of diabetes-related complications. Blood sugar control also prevents short-term metabolic complications of the disease. Checking your blood glucose level at different times during the day may be a component of your diabetes care plan, especially if you take insulin. Your doctor monitors your glycated hemoglobin, or A1c, to determine whether your blood sugar management plan is consistently controlling your glucose level.

Cardiovascular Care

Diabetes significantly increases your risk of developing atherosclerosis, an inflammatory condition leading to accumulation of fat deposits in your blood vessels. These deposits, called plaques, obstruct blood flow to your body tissues. Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels that supply your heart, known as coronary artery disease, may lead to a heart attack or heart failure. Other atherosclerotic complications of diabetes include stroke and peripheral artery disease.

To reduce your risk of cardiovascular complications, your diabetes care plan includes regular monitoring of your blood fat levels and blood pressure. Your doctor may prescribe medications to prevent or manage cardiovascular complications of diabetes, including cholesterol-lowering drugs and blood pressure medicine.

Lifestyle Care

Your nutrition proves an important component of your diabetes care plan. A healthful diet and regular exercise improve blood sugar control. Additionally, a low-fat, low-sodium diet supports your cardiovascular health. If you smoke, your diabetes care plan will include strategies to help you stop smoking, a habit that profoundly endangers your cardiovascular health.

Eye Care

Diabetes increases your risk for cataracts, glaucoma and retinopathy, a condition in which the image-receptive portion of your eye sustains damage. These conditions can significantly impair your vision and may lead to blindness. Your diabetes care plan, therefore, includes regular eye examinations.

Other Specialty Care

Diabetes may cause problems with your kidneys. Your diabetes doctor monitors your kidney function with periodic blood and urine tests. You may be referred to a kidney specialist if you develop significant problems. Foot care also proves an important component of your diabetes care plan if you have poor sensation in your feet due to diabetes-related nerve damage. Depression and other mental health issues can interfere with your ability to care for yourself and manage your diabetes. Talk with your doctor if you experience symptoms of anxiety or depression. Managing these conditions is as important to your diabetes care plan as any other component of your health care.

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